The GU-17 beam-power double tetrode is used for generation of power amplification at frequencies up to 250mHz in RF equipment. Equivalent to the QQE03/12, CV2798.
Cathode: indirectly heated, oxide coated.
Envelope: glass, miniature.
Height: at most 80mm.
Diameter: at most 22.5mm.
Mass: at most 25g.
Vibration loads: frequencies 20-600Hz, acceleration 59m/s^2.
Multiple impacts with acceleration: 118m/s^2.
Single impacts with acceleration: 490m/s^2.
Linear loads with acceleration: 294m/s^2.
Relative humidity at up to +40C: 98%.
Electrical Parameters
Heater voltage: 6.3V.
Heater current: 0.72-0.88A.
Mutual conductance (at anode and grid 2 voltages 200V,
grid 1 voltage -16V of first tetrode,
grid 1 voltage -100V of 2nd tetrode): 1.6-3.3mA/V.
Anode current (at anode and grid 2 voltage 200V,
grid 1 voltage -16V of 1 st tetrode,
grid 1 voltage -100V of 2nd tetrode): 10-30mA.
Interelectrode capacitance: input 5.2-7.8pF, output 2.2-3.2pF, transfer, at most 0.1s.
Warm up time, at most 40s.
Output power (at anode voltage 300V, grid 2 voltage 200V, voltage - 80V of grids 1),
at least 11W.
Output power over 400 h of service, at least 8.8W.
Limit Operating Values
Healer voltage:
with parallel-connected heater 5.7-7V,
with series-connected heater 11-14V.
Anode voltage: 400V.
Anode voltage at the instant of switching on: 450V.
Voltage between cathode and heater: -150V to +150V.
Cathode current: 100mA.
Dissipation: anodes 12W, grid 2 3W, grid 1 0.5W.
Operating frequency: 250mHz;
Envelope temperature: 260C.