P214V transistor PNP germanium with snap ring. Equivalent to the AD1203. Designed for use in switching devices, the amplifier output stage low-frequency DC-DC converters.
The main technical characteristics of the transistor P214V:
The structure of the transistor: PNP;
Pk t max - Dissipated power collector with heat: 10 W;
fh21e - Cut-off frequency of the transistor current gain for the common-emitter: at least 0.2 MHz;
Ukbo samples - Breakdown voltage collector-base for a given reverse current collector and emitter open circuit: 60 V;
Uebo samples - Breakdown voltage emitter-base junction reverse current at a given emitter and collector open circuit: 10 V;
Ik max - Maximum DC Collector Current: 5 A;
Ikbo - Reverse collector current - the current through the collector junction reverse voltage for a given collector-base and open emitter output: 1.5 mA;
h21E - Static current transfer ratio for the common-emitter large-signal: more than 20;
Rke us - saturation resistance between the collector and emitter: no more than 0.3 ohms
Min. order quantity is 10 pcs.