GP-3 (GP3, ГП-3) is a high-voltage regulating tetrode for operation in electronic high-voltage voltage stabilizers.
Main technical parameters of GP-3:
Un = 6.3V; Uc2 = 80V; Uа = 1.2 kV; Ia = 5 mA;
Filament current 1.5 ± 0.15 A
2nd grid current no more than 0.2 mA
1st grid reverse current no more than 3 μA
The voltage of the 1st grid at the operating point is negative 5.5 ± 1.5V
The blocking voltage of the 1st grid is negative (at Uc2 = 100 V, Ia = 0.2 mA) no more than 18 V
Slope characteristics 2.65 ± 0.55 mA / V
Gain not less than 2500
Interelectrode capacitances, pF:
- grid - cathode no more than 23
- anode - cathode no more than 5
- mesh - anode no more than 0.05
Limiting performance characteristics of GP-3:
Filament voltage 5.7 - 6.9V
Anode voltage 10 kV
Anode voltage when switched on to a cold lamp 20 kV
Minimum anode voltage:
- at Iа = 15 mA 1 kV
- at Iа = 10 mA 0.7 kV
- at Iа = 5 mA 0.5 kV
2nd grid voltage 120 V
Voltage of the 2nd grid when switched on to a cold lamp 200 in
1st grid voltage is negative 50 in
Voltage between cathode and heater ± 150V
Power dissipated by the anode 60 watts
Ambient operating temperature range from -65 to +100 С